Please note:
This is an archived site that is no longer maintained. The material presented here is over 10 years old.
Thanks for visiting our Website!
Welcome to the website for our music circle in the Quinte Region of Ontario, Canada, which was founded by Al Luby in 2011.
This site will serve as a repository for songs we have practised as well as a distribution point for new material.
About Our Group
Late in 2010, Al Luby posted an invitation to players and singers in the Quinte region to join him at his home for an intial meeting. The idea was that we could develop a local group of musicians and vocalists who would be interested in meeting to enjoy playing together, and to learn from each other. His messages were posted on Kijiji and on local bulletin boards.
Al suggested that the group be composed mainly of adults 50 and over, and that the focus be on folk and country music, but there was always an understanding that the group would evolve based on the interests of its members. If you happen to be a bit under 50 but you like folk and country music, please give us a call and you will find there is a place for you. If you also like related types of music, we can try those too.
A second attribute of the group, set by Al, was that it should be open to players and vocalists of all ability levels. There is no entry level requirement, and everyone who enjoys playing an instrument or developing their vocal skills, is welcome to join us.
Would You Like to be Part of Our Group?
At present the group (small in numbers but mighty in spirit) not meeting due to COVID restrictions, but we hope to start up again as soon as that is possible. We generally meet at the homes of members every two weeks. If you think you might like to be involved, please give Al Luby a call at 613-477-3436, or contact him by email at
Thanks to Dave for developing this Transcription Model in Excel. You can download it, enter the lyrics and text in Excel, choose a new key to transcribe to, and "Presto!", it is all done for you.
Note: if you don't have a copy of EXCEL (part of Microsoft Office), you can open this file with "Calc", a component of the free Open Office suite. Download Open Office.
The Original Harmony Road Band Website Photo Album is now available here.
Performance Archive
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Hastings Manor Presentation Video Clips
See video clips from the presentation some of our members made at The Hastings Manor Nursing Home on June 14, 2012
Harmony Road: Slim Sings "Beautiful Lies"
Harmony Road: Al Sings "Brand on My Heart"
Harmony Road: Bob sings "Fields of Gold"
Harmony Road: Ken sings "Life is Like a Mountain Railroad"
Harmony Road: George sings "Old Shep"
New Songs Sent in by Brad Young
I'll Still Write Your Name in the Sand

Little Cabin Home on the Hill

Smokey Mountain Memories

Brad Young sings "Our Little Cabin Home on the Hill" MP3
Proposed Group Theme Song (Bob)
- verses can be added easily for the occasion
- MP3 includes a tag ending
- 4 bars in G at the end are for harmony to be developed by the group
Videos of our Premier Performance at the 59th Luby Family Reunion
Black Diamond Strings (George)
There's More Pretty Girls Than One (Mike)
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown (Ken)
Never Say Die (Lindsay)
Out Among The Stars (Bob)
Since You Left Me, Baby (Brenda)
Dear Hearts and Gentle People (Brad S.)
I'm Gonna Knock on your Door (Harmonettes)
The Thrill is Gone (John)
Simon Crutchfield's Grave (George)
Once More (Harmonettes)
I Shall Be Free (John)
Make Me Down a Palette on the Floor (Ken)
Bury Me Beneath the Willow (Harmonettes)
Oh Darlin' (Brad)
You Can't Always Get What You Want (John)
Tonight the Heartaches on Me (Harmonettes)
Everybody Needs Somebody
That They Can Talk To (George)
Pass Me All Around (George)
Don't It Make You Wanna Go Home (Mike)
Notes: if you have trouble playing these MP3 files, please make sure that you have installed RealPlayer, or some equivalent media player on your computer.
(Note: if you have a song on this list where you were the lead, and you decide you would like to have it removed from the website, email Bob.)